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A job fair or a career fair is an event held to introduce prospective employees to employers and vice versa. Many organizations offer job fairs to promote their students get entry-level positions with various companies after they finish their academic career.

Job Fairs are no longer just for the unemployed or people searching for jobs. Job/Career fairs are important for everyone to attend because they are a great way to network with professionals, find ways to become more involved in community, and to keep your options open. Networking with professionals will allow you with the opportunity to build your credentials, develop your career, and find a mentor within your community. Developing your career is not just about what you know, but it is also about who you know. Close connections within community may jump start your professional development and help you reach your career goals faster. While your networking is very important in order to grow and develop, it is also important you find ways to get involved in your community.

Your attendance at a career fair gives a face to your resume and provides an opportunity for you to keep your options open, especially in such a volatile job market and economy. No matter what your current career status may be, it is important for everyone to attend career fairs so you may network, get more involved in your community, and keep your options open.

We at SEC, invite the TIMES JOBS, a widely known name in the field of mentoring the latest who’s who in their scope and an able harnesser for providing a gateway to a fresher to the world of recruiters.